It is easy to be confused by all of the different types of auto insurance coverage offered by the myriad insurance companies out there. Some states require certain types of coverage, and it is not always clear the best way to be as economical as possible in your purchase. If you are looking to educate yourself on the different kinds of insurance available, read on!
Personal Injury Protection
Personal Injury Protection (PIP) covers your own medical expenses as well as anyone else in your car at the time of the accident, regardless of who is at fault for the accident.…
While having your driver’s license suspended is distressing and embarrassing, it does not mean that you will be prohibited from operating a vehicle for a long time. Unless you are a habitual DUI offender or committed a heinous crime, you can earn the right to drive again. However, the process of reinstatement may involve filing a certificate of financial responsibility, commonly known as an SR22. If you are clueless about the SR-22 process, the following primer will help you as you navigate the steps of regaining your driver’s license.…
Car insurance can be tricky to figure out when you are first purchasing it for your car. There are numerous factors in place that you should examine before choosing the type of car insurance that’s right for you. Among the many questions you will ask yourself before hunkering down and making that grand decision, one is, “Which type of car insurance is right for me? Comprehensive insurance or collision?” Thankfully, you’ve landed at the right article.…
Everyone wants to trust their healthcare providers to treat them properly and not leave them worse off than when they arrived in the office. That includes their dentists. However, this is not always the case, and if your dentist injured you during treatment, then you may have a good reason to file a personal injury lawsuit against him or her. While every individual circumstance varies, if your experience compares to any of the following, then you need to contact a personal injury lawyer to discuss your case.…
Life insurance policies rely on beneficiary designations to determine who receives the policy benefits in the event that the insured individual dies. In order for this process to happen the way that it is intended, the beneficiary must be clearly named, identifiable and living after the insured person’s death. Here’s a look at some of the most common life insurance payout scenarios and how to address them if they happen to you.…
You hear about personal injury lawsuits all the time. Somebody drank coffee that was too hot, somebody slipped and fell on a sidewalk, somebody fell from an amusement park ride. Most personal injury cases are against businesses — after all, it’s more likely for someone to get injured due to the higher amount of human traffic through a business space. But, homeowners can also be sued by somebody who was injured because of their own negligence.…