3 Tips To Get Auto Insurance After A DUI

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Did you recently get convicted of drunk driving? Even if the incident didn't result in an accident or injury, it can have serious long-term consequences. You may lose your license temporarily, pay a steep fine, or even do time in jail. You could also lose coverage from your auto insurance company, especially if you have a history of driving incidents such as speeding tickets or accidents.

Losing your auto coverage can be difficult because in most states you have to prove you have coverage to get your license reinstated. Without coverage, you could be without your license for an even longer period of time. Unfortunately, if you have a troubled driving record, you might find it difficult to obtain coverage. Below are a few tips to help you find auto insurance protection after your DUI:

Take a driving class. Most states will allow you to reduce the points on your driving record by taking a driving instruction course. These courses will usually review basic driving safety tips and may even focus on the incident that caused your accident. You may also spend some time driving with an instructor in the passenger seat to observe your actions and behavior. If you pass, the state could remove a few points from your record, which may make you more attractive to insurers.

Get alcohol counseling. Another common step following a DUI is to participate in alcohol counseling. This is sometimes required as part of a criminal sentence, but not always. However, alcohol counseling can help show that you take the issue seriously and are working hard to avoid a similar issue in the future. After you complete the counseling, some insurers may use it to consider you less risky. That could help you obtain coverage and get your license back.

Consider other ways to reduce your risk. The key to getting insurance is to reduce your risk profile from the insurer's perspective. You may not be able to eliminate the DUI from your record, but you can take other steps to reduce your risk. For example, you could take a bus or other form of transportation to work every day and save your car for evenings and weekends. By driving fewer miles each day, you have fewer opportunities for an accident and reduce your risk. You could drive a car with enhanced safety features, which would also reduce your risk profile. Some insurers will give you credit if you put a chip in your car that monitors your behavior. The safer your driving, the lower your risk and your premiums.

Shop around and talk to a number of different insurance companies. With a little work and research, you can likely find an insurer to provide you with coverage.
