What You Can Do When Your Auto Insurance Increases

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If you are like most people, you probably have a very good idea of how much your auto insurance is each month. As a result, when the rate for your insurance increases significantly, it can send off a red flag. When your rate goes up, do not assume that you are helpless. There are some steps you can take to get to the bottom of the problem.

Get the Facts

When you first get the notice that the cost of your auto insurance premium is increasing — call the insurance company to get the facts. An agent will always be able to tell you why the rate has increased. Typically, you can expect to hear that the rates for the zip code your vehicle is garaged in have increased or there has been a change to your driving record. Once you have the information, you will have a better understanding of what is going on.

Verify Information

If the insurance company notifies you that your rate is being increased due to a change in your driving record, it is always a good idea to verify the information. Insurance companies get their driving records from an outside agency, and sometimes, the information these agencies include on reports is not always accurate. Since the insurance company is legally required to use this data, you need to contact the agency to ensure the information they provide the insurance company is accurate. 

Ensure Policy is Accurate

You should also look over the policy to make sure the coverage is accurate. Insurance agents work hard to operate with a high level of precision, but the reality is that errors beyond their control can happen. For example, the system could fail to add an existing discount to a policy renewal, which could cause the price to increase. Look over the policy to make sure all the information is accurate.

Shop Around for New Coverage

Remember that you have the ultimate control when it comes to purchasing auto insurance. At any moment you feel like your current insurance company is not offering you the most competitive rate, you can shop around for new coverage. Not only is this practice recommended when your current coverage increases, but it is a good practice to follow each time you need to renew your policy to ensure you get the best price.

Remember, if your car insurance cost increases, you have the power to take action to lower your rate.

For more tips, reach out to a local car insurance provider.
